Spot the Signs Early: Online Skin Cancer Screenings with First Derm

Monday 6 May, 2024

First Derm is offering free online skin consultations, through their partnership with the Charles Slbg Foundation. Together, they aim to empower individuals in proactive skin health management.

Last year’s First Derm online skin cancer screening identified 28 potential malignant melanomas during the months of May and June. You can read the full report here. It has been proven to be an important triage tool, identifying suspicious skin cancers early.

Skin cancer is a major killer, responsible for a substantial number of deaths worldwide. Nearly 1 in 41 UK females and 1 in 35 UK males will be diagnosed with melanoma skin cancer in their lifetime.1 86% of melanoma cases in the UK are preventable.1 Every year, thousands of lives are impacted, making early detection crucial for effective treatment and improved outcomes. The plus side of skin cancer compared to other cancers is that you can readily see it on your skin. After a shower have a quick look at your moles and see if there is any change in colour or size.

Early Detection is Key

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month. This month gives us the perfect opportunity to refresh our knowledge on skin cancer, which can save lives by staying alert. Awareness and accessibility are two major pillars of preventing skin cancer deaths.

Statistics show that when melanoma is caught early, the ten-year survival rate is around 87%.1 The same goes for other types of skin cancers like squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma. The earlier you can detect skin cancer, the better the outcome.

With First Derm's online screenings a dermatologist will assess your skin, and tell you what next steps to take, which gives you peace of mind.

Check out First Derm's website for more information about skin cancer


Cancer Research UK. Melanoma Skin Cancer Statistics. Available at: Accessed May 1, 2024.
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