Discover Fukuoka, Japan’s Capital of Food and Festivals

Wednesday 12 June, 2024

Hidden away on the beautiful island of Kyushu, Fukuoka is one of Japan’s coolest and most laid-back destinations. It’s a paradise for lovers of food, festivals and outdoor activities – and a brilliant option for people who want to visit Japan away from the din of Tokyo.

Fukuoka is one of those magical places where the Japanese go on their own holidays, who love it for its long traditions of hospitality, its delicious cuisine – and the many raucous festivals it hosts all year round.

Then there are the festivals. These take place throughout the year, and they’re a side to Japan most guests just wouldn’t expect. They’re riots of colour, music, dancing, food and pageantry where the whole city comes out to celebrate. People in vivid costumes parade through the streets, singing songs and carrying traditional floats decorated with flowers, religious offerings and art.

Opening up into the UK market

We recently opened a dedicated tourist desk in London covering the prefecture. We’re targeting UK holidaymakers who are looking for something a little different for their next trip to Japan, and we aim to be a one-stop shop for all your information and booking needs. We’ll cover everything from travel advice to tailored recommendations on where to stay and what to eat, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of our reps.

We recently held an industry seminar and networking event at 11 Cavendish Square, where Fukuoka went down a storm. Featuring VIP guests including the governor and other members of the Prefectural Assembly, we entertained around 80 guests from UK travel agencies, influencers and the media.

They were introduced to just a few of the unique charms of Fukuoka – including local delicacies such as Yame tea and Shigemasu sake. They even got to try on some of the local gear, in the form of the iconic happi jacket, learn a few dance moves from the famous Hakata Dontaku Festival, and try their hand at okawa kumiko, an intricate local style of woodcraft. It was a roaring success!

What’s special about Fukuoka?

Fukuoka is Japan’s food capital, mixing incredible, inventive fine dining restaurants with a historic culture of street food at trendy kiosks called yatai. You’ve probably eaten a bowl or two of tonkotsu ramen, the Japanese noodle soup dish that took the world by storm a few years ago. This delicious broth was invented in Fukuoka, and ramen aficionados still make the pilgrimage here to experience it made in the original way. From sushi to skewers and everything in between, it’s a paradise for people who love to eat.

Fukuoka city is a bit of a party town. It has a reputation as being pretty cool – it’s very green and liveable, and there are a lot of young people here – and it’s well known for its festivals. These are huge parties that take over the streets of cities, towns and villages for days at a time, transforming buildings with lanterns, streamers and other decorations. The two most famous are the Hakata Gion Yamakasa Festival in July and the Hakata Dontaku Port Festival in May.

Festivals are an integral part of Japanese culture, but they’re less well known in the west. We aim to change that! They’re an amazing experience for guests, with millions of attendees every year, and they’re the perfect basis for an extension to a longer tour of the mainland. Guests can soak up history in Tokyo, Kyoto and Hiroshima for a week and then take the short trip to Fukuoka for some fabulous festival fun.

Because Fukuoka is so much less built up than most of the rest of Japan, it’s the perfect spot for an outdoor adventure. There’s cycling, hiking, sight-seeing at ancient shrines, temples and castles, and loads of wilderness to soak up.

Get in touch!

If you like the sound of Fukuoka, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of our friendly representatives here in London. We can provide any information you need, and we’d be only too happy to help with recommendations.

Contact information

Fukuoka Prefecture Tourism Association – UK Advisor





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