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Costa Blanca

Alicante is making another effort to reduce infractions using e-scooters


The city council of Alicante is making a fresh effort to restrict electric scooters. The appropriate usage of personal mobility vehicles (PMVs) is the focus of a new special campaign that the Department of Safety is launching this month March. To cut down on infractions, the strategy will involve more police monitoring and discussions in schools.

Both drivers and pedestrians have frequently protested to the City Council about PMV users’ frequent violations of the rule governing the use of this form of transportation since it went into force. While electric scooters are prevalent on public roadways, certain behaviours are prohibited in Alicante, such as riding on sidewalks, transporting multiple people in one vehicle, or not wearing a helmet. Just under three penalties per day, or 4,252, have been imposed by the City Council in the five years that the ordinance has been in effect.

Awareness and instruction on road safety

The City Council is currently launching a new awareness campaign to lower the number of these infractions and inform the public about how to use personal mobility vehicles properly. “It is necessary to raise awareness among drivers of these vehicles about the importance of complying with the municipal ordinance to strengthen road safety on our streets and public spaces,” said Julio Calero, the security councillor.

To date, local police officers have visited 117 schools in the city to educate children on traffic laws on city roads, as well as the requirements, features, and various kinds of VPMs.

Management of infractions

Additionally, the campaign emphasises adherence to the restrictions placed on these kinds of vehicles in pedestrian zones as well as the prohibitions outlined in the municipal legislation. Throughout the second half of March, the Local Police will conduct more monitoring and pursue infractions to guarantee adherence to these rules.


In this context, the municipal measure will concentrate on places where electric scooters are not allowed, including pedestrian zones, bike lanes, bus lanes, the TRAM platform, sidewalks, and paved walkways (like the Explanada de España and the pedestrian walkways on Avenida de Niza, Postiguet, and Urbanova).

Fines range from 100 to 500 euros

The Local Police will also keep an eye out for and enforce infractions like riding without a helmet, transporting people for longer than one person at a time, not having the necessary braking system, using headphones or helmets while using a cell phone, or using a cell phone or other communication device.

In addition to enforcing pedestrian right-of-way and speed limitations, careless or reckless driving will result in legal action. It’s crucial to keep in mind that infractions of the local legislation carry fines of between €100 and €500.

“This awareness and surveillance campaign emphasises the importance of driving with caution when operating these vehicles and the priority of respecting pedestrians and other road users,” said Calero. The Safety Officer additionally stressed “the need to wear protective helmets, avoid riding on sidewalks or in pedestrian areas, and observe speed limits up to a maximum of 25 kilometres per hour.”


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Costa Blanca

Two inbound flights from the UK to Alicante request police on arrival


Two flights from Edinburgh and Manchester that arrived at Alicante-Elche Airport yesterday morning, Saturday 15th March, requested the presence of police after landing as a result of the presence of disruptive passengers. Police were requested by the stewards of both flights from the United Kingdom, and the Civil Guard was present to supervise the individuals in question upon their arrival.

The X account of air traffic controllers has revealed the problematic arrival of the two aircraft, which are operated by Jet2 (LS775) and EasyJet (U2 2013). Right now, the specifics of the incident on the aircraft that necessitated the intervention of local authorities are unknown.

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Costa Blanca

Woman ran over at a bus stop in Alicante and then attacked with scissors and a knife

National Police

Accused of purposefully running over a 35-year-old woman at a bus stop in the rural district of El Rebolledo in Alicante and then attacking her with scissors and a knife, among other bladed weapons, a 37-year-old woman and her 16-year-old daughter were taken into custody by the National Police this week. Days after the two parties argued, the attack took place.

The event happened on Camino del Fardacho in El Rebolledo last Monday at approximately 11 a.m. Following their prompt response after being mobilised by the 091 dispatch team, officers from Grupo de Motos de Seguridad Ciudadana -los “Rayos” (the Citizen Security Motorcycle Group (the “Rayos”)) and the Alicante Central Police Station apprehended the two suspected offenders after the National Police received a report of a hit-and-run and assault with sharp objects at a bus stop.

The victim was hit by a car driven by a mother and her daughter as she was at a bus stop in El Rebolledo with her companion, according to police records. The accused motorist struck the victim in the leg after colliding into the bus stop and then turned around with the intention of striking her once more. After she finally pulled over, the mother and daughter used a knife and scissors to attack the wounded woman.

When receiving an 091 call, the National Police promptly responded and took the two attackers into custody when the victim’s boyfriend stepped in to stop additional beatings.

After arriving at the site, a Basic Life Support (BLS) ambulance treated the injured individual and transported her to a hospital, where she received treatment for cuts and bruises to several body regions; stitches were not required.


After that, forensic and judicial police officers showed up at the scene. They discovered the knife and scissors used in the assault when they were inspecting the detainee’s vehicle.

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Costa Blanca

In Benidorm, a repeat abuser breaks into his ex-‘s home and assaults her

Alicante Provisional Court

A man was given a total term of two years and three months in jail by the Alicante Provincial Court. The punishment was handed out to a habitual abuser who broke into his ex-partner’s Benidorm home and assaulted her. In order to avoid calling a jury to try a breaking-and-entering case, the defendant came to an agreement whereby he entered a guilty plea to the offences.

The man was incarcerated after receiving multiple convictions for abuse and restraining order violations.

On May 6th of last year, the woman was leaving the grocery while examining her cell phone in the first of the events for which he is currently facing charges. The defendant flung her phone to the ground as he came up behind her. According to the verdict, it is established that the defendant completely disregarded the restraining order that forbade him from approaching the victim.

On May 8th, two days later, the defendant jumped through the living room window to enter the victim’s house. “If you’re not for me, you’re for no one,” he said, grabbing the victim by the hair and dragging her into the living room. He then kicked and punched her, threatening her with a screwdriver and screaming that she had sent him to jail and that he was going to kill her first, then kill himself.

During a High Court hearing this week, the man entered a guilty plea.


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