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Eras de la Sal

Eras de la Sal
Eras de la Sal


To this day, Torrevieja has a huge salt producing industry, but in days gone by, transporting that salt further afield was not quite as easy as it is today, although boats still play a big part in the operation, and that is where the Eras de la Sal played its part in history, as a dedicated salt loading infrastructure.

Today, what was formally an industrial element of the town, plays a cultural role, as a dedicated concert area has been created within the complex.

The very entrance to Eras de la Sal houses a monument to salt workers, who tirelessly played a part in the development of Torrevieja, through the complex made up of docks and wharves that, during the late 18th century, were configured as the system for collecting, shipping and loading salt from the local salt mine.

Its construction began in the year 1777, in the most suitable place for the shipment of the salt extracted in what was then Albufera.

Although it did become redundant, in 1997 the restoration began, emphasising the reconstruction of the existing wooden structure, the loading trestle and the hopper for pouring salt onto the barges.

As a concert venue, the location plays a part in the International Habaneras and Polyphony Contest, declared of International Tourist Interest.

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