Calpe Moors and Christians
The main procession takes place on Avenida Gabriel Miro, with other events in different venues as detailed below.
Saturday 19 October
09:30h. Cristians and Moors dance starting in the Plaza Mosquit.
18:30 “El desfile” Moors and Christians Main Parade at the Avenida Gabriel Miró. This is the 3 hour spectactular parade through the streets of Calpe.
01:00 Dance of the Moor Captain in Filá Almogávares (calle la Ermita).
Sunday 20 October
10:45 Landing and First Battle at the Arenal-Bol beach.
19:00 Children’s Moors & Christians parade at the Avenida Gabriel Miró.
Monday 21 October
20:30 Parliament, Speech, Second Battle and “Miracle” at Plaza Mayor.
01:00 Christian’s Captain’s dance in the Filá Contrabandistas (calle Puríssima).
Tuesday 22 October
12:00 Solemn mass to honour the Santíssim Crist de la Sour at the Plaza Mayor. After the mass, Mascletà / firecrackers at the Plaza Mayor and transfer of the Cristo to the Iglesia Virgen de las Nieves.
19:00 Holy Mass in the parish of the church Nuestra Señora Virgen de las Nieves.
20:00 Solemn Procession in the Old Town followed by “Mascletà Nocturna” in the Plaza Mayor.
Wednesday 23 October
19:30 Mass for the dead at the Parroquia Virgen de las Nieves.