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Where’s the best place to see the alignment of the seven planets tonight?


Tonight, February 28th, 2025, the night sky will provide an unparalleled astronomical experience: a planetary alignment that will bring the Solar System’s seven planets together. An astronomical phenomenon that is “unique” and won’t happen again until 2040. Five of these will be observable with the unaided eye.

From Spain, the planetary alignment will be well visible. The condition of the sky will be the only issue. Since a storm will bring cloud cover to a large portion of the map, the weather will affect how visible the phenomena is from our nation.

Where can Spain get the best views of the aligned planets? Forecasts indicate that because of the reduced cloud cover, the south and west of Galicia, as well as the coastal regions of the Basque Country, Asturias, and Cantabria, will be the ideal places to watch this phenomenon.

How can I see the planets that will be aligned?

Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune will all be in the lineup.
Without a telescope, the first five will be visible:

Mercury: Since it will be so low on the horizon, it will be challenging to observe.


Even in places with light pollution, Venus is the brightest planet.

Mars: Its distinctive reddish hue will make it stand out.

Jupiter: Brightness-wise, second only to Venus.

Saturn: Even though it will be the faintest, optical devices can still see it.

To view Uranus and Neptune, you’ll need a telescope or astronomical binoculars.


It is crucial to locate an area free of light pollution and give your eyes at least half an hour to adjust to the darkness in order to fully enjoy this event.

When will Spain be able to see the planetary alignment?

On Saturday March 1st, well before sunrise, between 5:00 and 7:00 a.m., is the ideal time to see the planetary alignment.

At 7:50 p.m., Saturn will vanish from the sky.
It will be 8:22 p.m. when Mercury sets.
At 8:34 p.m., Neptune will set.
Up to 9:52 p.m., Venus will be visible.
It will be 01:21 when Uranus sets.
At 02:55, Jupiter will vanish from view.
At 5:47 p.m., Mars will be the last planet to set.
It is advised to use programs like SkyMap, Stellarium, or SkySafari and to look towards the east-southeast horizon in order to locate the planets in the sky.

Sky conditions on the evening of February 28th

The peninsula and the Balearic Islands are expected to have a lot of cloud cover, according to weather forecasts, which may make it challenging to see the event in many places. However, Asturias, Cantabria, the Basque Country’s coast, and the south and west of Galicia are predicted to have the clearest sky.

There will be periods of cloud cover on the Canary Islands, which may impair visibility.


Until 2040, a singular astronomical phenomena

It is uncommon for planets to align with so many heavenly bodies. Since a similar event won’t happen again until 2040, this is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to witness an unparalleled celestial display.

If the weather permits, the early hours of Saturday March 1st will be ideal for admiring the sky and the universe.

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Woman arrested after throwing two dogs from an eighth-floor flat in Alicante

The National Police have detained a 53-year-old woman in Alicante for reportedly throwing two Yorkshire terriers out the window of her eighth-floor home, supposedly because she refused to take them for a walk.  The Local Police arrived to identify and recover the bodies of the two dogs.

    The animal’s owner, who appeared in court yesterday morning, Monday 24th March, revealed to police officers that the incident occurred at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday on Calle Sol Naciente in the Alicante neighbourhood of Albufereta, from where she was later detained.

    Following a report of the event, a National Police patrol responded to the area.  They interrogated many witnesses, who claimed that the now-detained woman threw several objects into the street.

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One killed in accident near the AP-7 exit at Ondara

Denia Lorry Crash

The firefighters at the Dénia station worked a long night, not only extracting the deceased driver but also preventing the fire from spreading to the two colliding vehicles.
The images depict how the smaller vehicle, whose occupant was killed instantaneously, was transformed into an unrecognisable mass of metal.

This morning was an extremely difficult and busy night for the Provincial Fire Consortium, particularly the firemen at the Dénia fire station. They were hard at work responding to the accident at the AP-7 exit in Ondara, on the bridge over the N-332, where a horrific collision occurred. As stated by this newspaper, a huge trailer crashed with a smaller crane vehicle, killing the driver instantaneously.

In addition, the two occupants of the larger truck were injured and transported to Dénia Hospital. Heavy traffic bottlenecks ensued.

Firefighters, who provided these photographs depicting how the smaller vehicle had been reduced to an unrecognisable pile of twisted metal, had to remove the deceased, stop diesel spills, keep both vehicles from catching fire, and clear the route.

Meanwhile, Guardia Civil and Local Police officials directed traffic coming from the highway, Dénia, and other nearby towns. The First Security Force’s traffic investigation department has launched an investigation to identify the cause of the collision, which saw the two vehicles collide nearly head on.


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Residents of San Miguel demand more public housing

House Construction

The San Miguel de Salinas Residents’ Association has filed an appeal against the final approval of the third revision to the SUS-A partial plan “Los Invernaderos.” This appeal comes after the group’s 21 objections were dismissed.

The alteration they oppose proposed increasing density and consolidating it in eight towers with ground floors and seven high-rise structures in the development’s proximity to the town centre, as well as situating social housing on the same land, they claim.

The number of dwellings in this partial plan has risen from 1,582 to 2,204 since its first approval. They protest that only 90 units are classified as public housing.

According to the association’s reasoning, the land earmarked for social housing should be 30% of the residential buildable area in the area, which equates to 48,886 m2. These 90 reserved homes total slightly over 11,000 m2.

According to the association’s statement, the legal department’s reaction is that this rule applies to “rural land that will be included in new development projects,” which is incorrect because the area is already heavily urbanised.


Another criticism raised by this group is that social housing not be concentrated on the same plot, as this would be a “segregationist” decision with no integration.

They also point out that the sector is divided into two half by a promenade, with no infrastructure connecting the two regions of development, allowing people to move more freely.

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